Board of Directors
Corporate Governance
Ensuring transparency and accountability
- Governance Statement
- Responsibility
- Composition
The TATU Capital (Private) Limited Board of Directors is committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate governance by ensuring that business is conducted in a transparent, responsible and accountable manner as enshrined in the King Codes and the Zimbabwe National Code on Corporate Governance frameworks.
The Board is committed to the creation and sustenance of shareholder value and is accountable to its shareholders as well as to all other stakeholders such as its regulatory authorities, customers, suppliers, employees and the community that surrounds it.
The Board performs its oversight role, while also providing strategic direction to Executive Management. All Board appointments are subject to a fit-and-proper test by the regulator, while shareholder approval is sought for the nomination of new directors and re-elections at Annual General Meetings.
The Board monitors the implementation of appropriate controls, systems and policies through a structured approach to reporting and accountability.
The Board of Directors reflects a balance between executive and non-executive members with broad expertise in financial sector to bring a broad range of general commercial expertise and experience. Currently the Board is comprised of four directors, with a 50% gender balance.
The Board is chaired by an independent non-executive Chairperson who ensures checks and balances between the executive management and the Board. The Board is governed by a Charter that sets out its authority, duties, responsibilities and arrangements by which it operates, and defines the relationship between the Board of Directors and management.
Board of Directors
The team that crafts the TATU Capital strategy
Phillip Kuvawoga
Non-Executive Director
Phil brings to the table in-depth knowledge of conservation and protected areas protection and management in African wildlife conservation. He has worked within government and international organizations and is involved in the governance of natural resources across the continent. He is passionate about community-based natural resource management and rural development.
Over the years, Phil has also been involved in full cycle grant management, including project design, implementation monitoring and evaluation.
Tariro Mhuka
Non-Executive Director
Tariro is an astute qualified Chartered Accountant (Zimbabwe) and is a Partner with a local advisory firm where she heads the Firm’s Risk Management Services Unit. Her professional experience covers auditing and related advisory services in most sectors of the economy, including manufacturing, agriculture, education, non-governmental organisations and insurance. She has a keen interest in risk management and is an associate member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE).
As an advisor, she has a passion for business growth and enhancing business processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness, with a particular interest in women headed organisations.
Blessing Diza
Non-Executive Director
Blessing is a well celebrated attorney who had established himself in the areas of Commercial and Corporate Litigation, Mining Agreements, Employment Law, Foreclosures and Debt Collection, Insurance and Property Law Litigation. His professional and personal philosophy includes giving back in ways that make a meaningful difference to local communities to which he dedicates his practice. He has been practicing law in Zimbabwe for more than 13 years. Having first worked as Research Assistant at the Advocates Chambers before commencing private practice, his real-world experience in research gives him a unique perspective and insight into his clients’ businesses, and enables him to offer a blend of legal experience and business strategy to complement corporate management.
He also sits on the Silveira House Board of Trustees.
Board Committees
The committees that support the Board of Directors
- Audit Committee
- Credit Committee
- Risk Management Committee
The prime function of the committee is to review the accounting policies, financial reports, disclosure controls & procedures and management approach to internal controls. The audit committee will also be responsible for ascertaining the adequacy and scope of external and internal audit functions; compliance with regulatory and financial reporting requirements.
This committee will be responsible for providing assurance to the board that executive management control assurance processes are complete and efficient.
The audit committee will also monitor the ethical conduct of the financial institution.
The credit committee will be responsible for the overall review of the lending policy for TATU Capital (Pvt) Ltd. Amongst one of their major function is deliberating and consideration of loan applications.
The credit committee will also be responsible for ensuring that effective procedures and resources are allocated to identify and manage irregular problem credits, minimize credit losses and maximise recoveries.
The credit committee will direct, monitor, review and consider all issues that may materially impact on the present and future quality of the institution’s credit risk management quality.
The committee will be responsible for ensuring that the management and operation of the institution is done within the governance and controls of the framework established.
The risk management committee will determine and approve business level policies, ensuring consistency with set policies and other regulatory bodies.
The risk management committee has the overall responsibility for complete review of the quality of the institutions loan portfolio to ensure that the lending function conforms to sound lending practices and policies which have an acceptable portfolio risk.
Another crucial function of the organization includes corporate accountability, assurance and reporting in line with set standards and guidelines.
Within the risk committee roles, there should be assessment of the integrity of the risk controlling system and monitoring of the external environment to determine any threats which may be posed to the institution.